Wednesday 23 May 2012

Week 4

Meals in week 4 included:
Cow & Gate Sunny Start wheaty biscuits.  These are like weetabix but slightly smaller and lower in sugar.  I added a small amount of expressed breastmilk: enough that it was all wet, but not so much that it was just mush.  She didn't eat much but she enjoyed playing with it.

Fruit including blueberries.  I've read that babies often love blueberries and will quite happily eat the entire packet if allowed.  They are also great to see how the pincer grip is doing (being able to pick things up between one finger and thumb).  Well Baby M wasn't that interested in the blueberries and her pincer grip still isn't very developed.  Maybe I'll leave it a month or so before trying again

Gnocchi with bolognese.  Baby M loved this.  She found the gnocchi easy to pick up and eat and what mince made it to her mouth and not spread around the high chair was enjoyed.  Possibly due to it being rich tasting?

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